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Essential Pet Supplies

7. Treats and Toys

What’s a treasured new pet without treats and toys to tend to? The choices are endless, but try to focus on treats and toys that have a purpose: health, exercise, or stimulation. Remember that overfeeding your pet can lead to obesity, which poses health risks like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even cancer.

A cat scratching post is indispensable. Make sure you buy one big enough for your cat to stand on its hind legs and stretch without stepping on it. Also, make sure the scratching post has a base that is heavy enough that it cannot tip over. If you’ve got multiple cats, purchase a separate scratching publish for everyone.

8. Pet Grooming Brush

Daily grooming or brushing of your pet’s coat will remove dead hair and prevent the coat from becoming tangled or tangled. Regular brushing also helps reduce hair and dandruff around the home. If you visit a pet store or surf the internet you can find everything from wire brushes and bristle brushes to tweezers and even glove brushes.

9. Toothbrush

Many animals do not like brushing their teeth. As a result, some pet owners are becoming lenient when it comes to maintaining their pets’ oral hygiene. This can be detrimental to your pet’s health and can result in an expensive vet visit. In addition to regular professional teeth cleaning, it’s best to brush your pet’s teeth daily or at least three times a week.Pet stores sell special toothpastes for cats and dogs that make the taste more desirable to them. Some pet owners find it easier to brush their dog or cat’s teeth with a finger brush than with a traditionally shaped toothbrush.

10. Nail clippers

Many pets dislike having their paws touched, so trimming their nails can become a chore for pet owners. However, it is important to trim your pet’s nails every three to four weeks.Pet owners are always afraid of cutting the pet’s skin where there are blood vessels and nerve endings. This causes the nail to bleed. Astringent powder is a good product to have on hand for this case. A good way to avoid a quick cut is to trim your pet’s claws little by little.

11. Flea prevention

Don’t let fleas attack your pet and home. There are many flea prevention options including flea collars, monthly chews, or medication that can keep your pet flea free for up to six months. Ask your veterinarian for their opinion on what is best for your new pet.

12. Stain remover and deodorant

Effective Spot and Stain Remover is a blessing and lifesaver for any pet owner.Accidents, smells and daily messes are inevitable aspects of having a pet. Whatever spot and stain remover you choose, make sure it’s safe for your pet and won’t damage the surface it’s applied to. Enzyme-based cleaners are very popular with pet owners.

13. Remove poop

If you have a garden for your dog, the poop scoop is perfect for picking up and disposing of waste.If there are no poop bag clinics in your area, you will need to purchase poop bags to clean up your dog’s walks. When you welcome a new cat into your home, you need a litter box. Put the box in a quiet place that offers some privacy. Daily litter box cleaning can be time-consuming, but it’s the best way to avoid odor and litter build-up. Also, you can keep an eye on your pet’s health as irregular grooming habits can be the first sign of illness.

There’s one more thing you should have for your new pet when you travel: pet insurance. Pets Best Insurance offers a wide range of pet health insurance options for dogs and cats, including optional health insurance for things like spaying or neutering.


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