
How to make a cat fat – 8 healthy ways


Cat is still underweight despite having access to plenty of food? Or maybe you’ve found a homeless person who just looks skinny and malnourished and you want to help them get back to a healthy weight. There are several reasons why you may be wondering what the most effective and healthy way for your cat to gain weight is. Let’s take a closer look!

  • Your Cat’s Weight: What Makes a Healthy Frog?

Let’s start by saying that just like humans, cats must fall within a certain weight range to remain healthy and thrive.A malnourished and underweight cat is unhealthy and more prone to disease. However, an overweight cat is in poor health and more prone to illness. With that in mind, you only want to fatten a truly underweight cat so that it can reach a healthy weight and be successful in daily activities.

Popular photos and videos of obese cats on social media don’t show healthy cats, although some people find them cute or funny. As responsible cat owners, we must never allow our cats to become overweight as this could have serious health consequences.With that said, let’s find some healthy ways to fatten a cat that needs to gain weight.

  • Exclusion of disease

First, we must rule out the possibility that the cat is underweight due to an underlying medical condition. If your cat is underweight, we recommend that you consult your veterinarian and have your cat checked out, as many medical conditions can lead to underweight. Some of the most common are:

1. Dental problems

Teething pain or mouth injuries make food unappetizing and your cat will avoid it as much as possible.

2. parasites

Intestinal parasites are common in underweight animals because they deprive the host of many essential nutrients.

3. food allergies or sensitivities

Some foods may not be ideal for your cat and may be uncomfortable.

4. infections

It goes without saying that an animal need not starve when it is sick and fighting infection.

5. Hyperthyroidism

This endocrine disorder leads to weight loss in cats and is increasing in frequency every day due to the phytoestrogens in soy, which are used as the protein base in many commercial cat food recipes.

6. Inflammatory bowel disease

Fear, hypersensitivity, and intolerance can cause IBS in a cat. The pain and discomfort associated with this condition can be the reason a cat refuses to eat and therefore loses weight.

Your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical examination of your cat and may take biological samples such as blood or feces. If your veterinarian determines that the reason your cat is not eating or is gaining weight is actually a medical condition, they will ensure that the right treatment and nutrition is provided. Be sure to work with your veterinarian and follow all diet and treatment recommendations.

attention of different factorsOnce the possibility that the cat is suffering from a disease has been ruled out, it is necessary to look for other factors that can cause malnutrition:

1 .The quality of their current diet

Cats are obligate carnivores and require a diet based primarily on animal protein with moderate amounts of fat and very limited amounts of carbohydrates. The quality of your cat’s primary protein source is very important to their overall health. Derived from the protein source, the amino acids are the building blocks for your cat’s muscle tissue and maintenance of vital organs.

Unlike herbivores or omnivores, carnivores cannot survive on plant-based protein sources alone, cannot produce essential amino acids such as taurine and arginine, and rely solely on their diet to obtain them. Try to stick to whole proteins as a base and not “meal protein”. These by-products tend to be heavily processed and lose their nutritional value. For this reason, it is very important to deliver the highest quality products and to check ingredient labels carefully.

2.Environmental factors

It is important to be aware of the possibility that a cat will refuse to eat due to environmental factors, and detective work and observation are required to rule out this possibility.

  • Here are some typical examples of possible environmental factors:

The bowl is near a noisy place or near noisy appliances such as dishwashers or washing machines.

The plate is next to the litter box, it’s BIG, no, no. It’s very unsanitary, but somehow it’s still a common practice.

There are other cats that dominate others by not letting them eat. In principle, every cat should have its own bowl. But in some cases even that is not enough and the animals have to be completely distributed to different rooms or have different feeding times.

Anxiety can lead to loss of appetite. Investigating the cause of your cat’s anxiety and addressing it appropriately can go a long way in helping your pet gain weight and regain their sanity.

Your cat may be a “shy eater” and needs privacy to eat. Some cats don’t like being watched by an excited person while they are eating.

You may have recently changed your cat’s food and her body is uncomfortable with the new choice.Dietary changes should be introduced gradually, mixing the usual food with the new food in gradually increasing proportions over about 10 days. Start with just 10% of the new feed and increase by the same amount each day. It is not uncommon for cats to refuse to eat, even after minor changes to the recipe have been made by the food manufacturer.

  • 8 tips for healthy weight gain in your cat

Having ruled out the possibility of medical and environmental factors, here are some tips to help your cat gain healthy weight.

1.Use canned kitten meals

canned kitten meals includes extra protein and fats according to gram than canned person cat meals. This is because the kittens are growing and need an additional source of amino acids and fatty acids to develop their growing muscles and organs.

2.They prefer fresh or wet food to dry food

In general, fresh or wet foods contain more protein and fewer carbohydrates than dry foods. Even cats seem to accept it more easily than kibble, especially those who have trouble regaining their appetite.

3.Gradually increase the amount of food

Don’t expect your cat to eat the weight gain goal all at once. Sometimes it’s a good idea to break up the daily diet into several smaller feedings until you can gradually increase the amount of food at each feeding session and reduce the number of feeding sessions.

4.Fish Oil Supplement

Fish Oil is a great way to increase the calorie content of food, with the added benefit of improving the taste of the food and giving your cat a healthy, shiny look. It is an excellent source of healthy omega fatty acids. We love GNC Salmon Oil and Animal Essentials Ocean Supreme Fish Oil Supplement for Dogs and Cats.

5.Offer homemade healthy treats and rewards

Serving chunks of cooked chicken or a hard-boiled egg is a great way to increase your cat’s calorie intake. It is important to remember that these foods are boiled only in water, not fried, without adding salt or other spices.You can use them as a reward for completing a concentrated meal, or mix them into foods to enhance their flavor. If your cat is eating normally, you can give her treats between meals.

6.make food more attractive

Some cats can be very picky eaters and you have to get creative to eat more calories. Things like using cooked (remember freshly cooked – no added salt or spices) chicken broth for your cat’s food, playing with the texture, presentation or shape and temperature of the food are all things you can try.  Many cats start eating their food after it has been heated. Given that freshly hunted prey in the wild has a specific temperature,

, it makes sense that cats would prefer a slightly warmer meal, right?Remember, don’t offer it too hot! If your cat burns out, all your efforts could be in vain because she’s tired of trying her next meal.

7.You have more than one option

Like us, some cats just don’t like certain recipes, will choose more than one type of quality cat food and, through trial and error, arrive at what your cat likes best and accepts.  An easy way to find out is to offer different types of food at the same time and see if your cat has any particular preferences.

8.Beware of sensitivity and intolerance

Sensitivity and intolerance to certain foods or ingredients can cause your cat to eat less and lose weight. These sensitivities can develop later, so foods that were previously accepted and digested by the body may now be uncomfortable for your cat. Gas and gas, gas and foul-smelling poo, loose or soft poo, diarrhea and vomiting are all signs that you should take a closer look at your cat’s food.

Final thoughts

We hope you find these recommendations helpful in helping your cat gain weight and regain a healthy balance so she can thrive.With a little observation, dedication, and following our advice, you should be able to increase your cat’s daily caloric intake. Over time, your cat should gain weight in a healthy way!

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