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Tips to Teach Your Cat to Do Tricks

Tips you need: dogs are not the best animals that can study tricks! Even cats can do it: it just takes a little patience and diligence.

When we think of trick training, we usually think of dogs. Trained cats don’t come to mind. But cats of all ages can learn tricks. The “trick” to training a cat is that you know you can’t do it like a dog.

Why teach cat tricks?

Teaching your cat tricks has a bigger purpose than just entertaining your friends. Gives your cat a level of well-being by reducing stress, boredom, and related negative behaviors.

Learning tricks develops his brain and mental acuity; active minds have more neural connections and better brain function. The lap workout also provides energy and calorie-burning exercises.

food – motivating reward

Dogs and cats are motivated by the things that benefit them most (right?) Dogs are better at reading our cues and will happily accept a reward from us.

Cats do not need to please, so it’s important to know their motivating reward. Research shows that the quickest way to train a cat is through the stomach, using small portions of quality foods like chicken or tuna.

The small portions are consistent with your cat’s normal diet and also help reduce their daily calorie intake. For maximum motivation, it’s best to exercise your cat when it’s hungry.

Of course, don’t let your cat go hungry, exercise it between meals. Like dogs, cats learn best when positive reinforcement is applied to the desired behavior.

Negative reinforcements like hitting or yelling are not only inhuman, they don’t work. Teach your cat to avoid the person and associate the behavior, situation, or place with frightening emotions.

3 training tips

1. Be patient

You are in the hour of the cat, not of man or dog. Not all cats learn all tricks. He must enjoy learning. Before adding a new one, teach your cat one trick at a time until she masters it. If you or your cat are tired or frustrated, take a break for the day.

2. Be diligent

Work with your cat every day – occasional training doesn’t work. Sessions should be short, about 15 minutes each, and end positively while your cat is still interested.

Stop before he gets angry and grabs with his paws and claws. Look out for cues like dilated pupils, flattened ears, wrinkled skin, and wagging tails. Vary the time of day and location of your training to learn a trick anytime, anywhere.

3. Be consistent

  • First, say the cat’s name, followed by the instructions. Be consistent in your words and rewards so as not to confuse your cat. Don’t say “high five” one day and “punch up” the next.
  • Try to teach him these tricks
  • Sit down
  • The simplest tricks to teach a cat involve natural behaviors that they are already exhibiting. “Seat” is a perfect example.
  • Hold a treat and let your cat see and smell it.
  • When your cat smells the treat, gently move it up and back over his head. When her nose goes up, her butt naturally goes down.
  • When your cat is sitting, say “sit” and give her a treat at the same time. You can also use the hand signal in the off position to encourage learning.
  • Give me five

Teaching a cat to high-five is even easier than you might think. Just make sure you choose a name for the trick and stick to it, whether it’s “high five,” “shake,” or “punch.

Encourage small paw movements to begin with as the cat naturally lifts its paw off the ground and gives it a treat.

Hold a deal with your closed hand, and watch for the cat to try and snatch it, after which deliver the deal as a reward.

Gradually raise your hand higher; If your cat touches it with its paw, give it a treat.

These are just two examples of tricks you can teach your cat. Cats are intelligent and can be easily trained with positive reinforcement. It also reduces stress, counteracts boredom, and provides mental and physical stimulation while deepening the bond with your cat.

With patience, diligence, and consistency, you and your cat will soon be ready to wow your family and friends with some clever holiday tricks!

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