Atlantic sea bird (Puffin)

Atlantic sea bird (Puffin)

 bird Puffin( Fratercula arctica) one of four types of puffin, is a remarkable pelagic seabird. It can be honored by its brightly colored rounded beak and its appearance analogous to that of a penguin. Also known as the Atlantic Puffin, it’s the only species of puffin set up in the Atlantic Ocean. Very few people have seen them in the wild. This lack of visibility is explained by the fact that there are very few places where you…

Macaw Bird  (Parrot) Diet, Habitat, & Facts

Macaw Bird (Parrot) Diet, Habitat, & Facts

Also, this bird is known as the blue and golden macaw or Ara Ararauna, this raspberry is part of the macaw group of parrots. They breed in the swampy rainforests of South America, from Panama to Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. This raspberry is defended by the Washington Convention and the clerical decree of May 15, 1986, listing the defended raspberry species of French Guiana. It lives in the plains of the northern half of South America They’re frequently considered one of the catcalls stylishly and suitable to imitate mortal speech and…