Ant insect : informations you need to know

Ant insect : informations you need to know

This extraordinarily diverse group of animals Ant has evolved hundreds of different adaptations to survive in many different habitats. Scientists estimate that we have discovered just over half of all ant species in the world. The species we have discovered are simply fascinating. Read on to learn more about the ant. Ant Description All ants…

THE ANACONDA :  learn all about it

THE ANACONDA : learn all about it

Anacondas are four species of water boa that inhabit the wetlands and gutters of the thick rainforests of South America’s rainforests. The unheroic anaconda is set up as far south as Argentina. It’s unclear how the name began so far from the snakes ’ native niche. It’s presumably due to its vague similarity to the large Asian pythons. Original names for the Anaconda in South America include the Spanish term ‘ mat toro ’, which means ‘ bull killer ’, and the Native American terms ‘ security’ and ‘ yakumama ’. Anacondas, as members of the boa family, are occasionally appertained to…

5 Endangered Animals to See While Traveling
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5 Endangered Animals to See While Traveling

The discovery of wildlife is one of the essentials of a trip when you are in love with nature and wide open spaces. Unfortunately, today, many animal species are threatened with extinction, due to global warming, unregulated hunting, the destruction of natural habitats, industry, and human activity in general… Even if many organizations fight for…

What you should about centipedes

What you should about centipedes

Centipedes or centipedesare presto, poisonous and raptorial terrestrial arthropods, which  have a long body and numerous concerted legs. Centipedes are substantially set up in tropical climates, but they’re also extensively distributed in temperate zones. Despite their name” centipedes”, not all centipedes have 1000 legs. Centipedes are pets, which means” without a backbone“. CHARACTERISTICS OF CENTIPEDES Millipedes have long, flattened, segmented worm- suchlike bodies. They can have 12 to 100 body parts. Centipedes have a hard exoskeleton and concerted legs. They’ve long, depended antennae on their heads. The coming member of their body features a brace of modified legs. These legs aren’t used for walking, they’re handed with sharp and poisonous claws that the centipede uses to capture and paralyze its prey. Each of the other parts of…

The spiders

The spiders

Spiders are insects: true or false? It is probably among the top 3 phobias of humans, alongside the snake and the shark, although the comparison is rather excessive. It enters the houses, weaves its web generally out of sight, and delights in every little insect that will have the misfortune to come and walk there….