
Ant insect : informations you need to know


This extraordinarily diverse group of animals Ant has evolved hundreds of different adaptations to survive in many different habitats. Scientists estimate that we have discovered just over half of all ant species in the world. The species we have discovered are simply fascinating. Read on to learn more about the ant.

Ant Description

All ants have curved antennae, bent like elbows.Their frame includes the head, trunk, petiole and stomach. The torso is the first segment of the body that connects to the head. Alitrunk is followed by a typically narrow segment called the tail. Finally, the gaster is the large posterior segment of an ant, usually ending in a stinger.

Interesting Facts About Ants With over 12,500 identified species and an estimated 22,000 species worldwide, the facts about ants are endless.Species have special traits that lead them to unique. Some of the most unique features are only found in small groups or a single species.

Mushroom Growers –

There is a whole group of ants consisting of 47 species that survive by growing their own food. Cutter ants cut segments of fresh vegetation and bring them to their nests. They use this greenery to grow their own mushroom houses!

The fungus is fed by ant larvae, and the ants feed the fungus and protect it from bacteria and microbes. This coexistence is referred to as a symbiotic relationship from which both living beings benefit.

Guardian Ants –

In another show of symbiosis, ants and acacia trees work together to survive. Ants use the tree’s hollow spines to nest and feed on tree sap. In exchange for a free home and food, the acacia ants protect the tree from potential dangers such as biting insects or hungry herbivores. Nothing beats a swarm of angry ants forcing you to feed on another tree!

Ants as Bodyguards –

Speaking of protective details, another group of ants join forces with aphids in yet another symbiotic relationship! These ants follow and protect the aphids while they feed on the sap, and in return the aphids produce nectar that is very nutritious for the ants. To release this secretion, ants stroke the backs of aphids with their antennae.

Caterpillar Caper

Similar to the relationship between ants and aphids, another species of ant is favored by the blue tit caterpillar. In a similar depiction, the ants are fed nectar from the caterpillar’s secretions and in return the ants protect the caterpillar.

it even swarms on the caterpillar’s back to discourage birds from feeding on the caterpillar, as the ants have an unpleasant taste for birds. Ants are found in virtually every ecological niche and inhabit a wide variety of habitats. They are found in urban areas, tropical rainforests, deciduous forests, deserts and many other places.

Distribution of Ants

Like their wide distribution in habitat, ants can be found in many different places. They occur naturally in almost every country in the world. The only places that don’t have native ant species are Antarctica, Polynesia, Iceland, Greenland, and Hawaii. Invasive ant species have been introduced into some of these locations.

Ant food

Most ant species are omnivores and feed on both plant and animal matter. Many ants feed on plant nectar, other insects (including those weighing many times their own weight), fruits and vegetables, human excrement, and meat from animal carcasses. . Ant-Human Interaction Ant-human interaction is generally pretty bad.

Ants and humans interbreed

Bites and stings are common. There are many invasive ant species that pose a problem to native flora and fauna. Humans also pose a threat to native ant species through direct extermination or indirect activities such as land use and pollution.


We didn’t domesticate the ants, but the ants domesticated the aphids!

Is an ant a good pet?

Anthills are great fun for kids and can be a great learning experience. As pets, ants are manual animals and should not be handled. manage, care for and be good pets.

Ants needs

A habitat with substrate to dig a nest and sufficient food to eat. This varies by species, but feeding is generally easier when provided with insects than with other food sources.

Ant Behavior

Many Different Species of Ants Ants have very complex social structures. Ants are identified by their scent and ants that are not part of the colony are attacked.

In a beehive there are often “classes” of workers, each with a different task. Worker ants have strong mandibles (jaws) and large bodies to carry food and protect the nest. Drones are sexually reproductive males who mate with their mother. Queens are the only females capable of reproducing on a large scale.

Reproduction of ants

Ants use a variety of reproductive strategies. In some species, male drones enter the nest and release mating pheromones to prevent them from being attacked. These drones will breed with the queen and the queen will produce eggs.

In other ant species, the young queens hatch and perform the mating flight using drones. Reproduction takes place in the air and the pregnant queens dig a nest and set up their own anthill.


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