Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

  • CLASS: Mammals (Mammals)
  • ORDER: CarnivoraFAMILY: Ursidae GENUS: Ailuropoda SPECIES: melanoleuca


From 14 to 20 years in the desert; up to 30 years of managed care

  • Gestation: The average “gestation” is about 135 days, with a documented duration of 100-180 days for pandas in zoos; However, a true fetal pregnancy lasts only about 50 days
  • Number of puppies at birth: 1 or 2
  • birth weight: 3 to 5 ounces (85 to 142 grams)
  • Age of maturity: females, 4-5 years; males, 6 to 7 years old
  • SIZE :
  • Length: about 5 feet (1.5 meters)
  • Height: 27 to 32 inches (70 to 80 centimeters), at the shoulder
  • Weight: Females, 155 to 220 pounds (70 to 100 kilograms); Males, 190 to 275 pounds (86 to 125 kilograms)


Pandas poop a lot, up to 50 times a day. This is how biologists look for pandas in their natural habitat by finding their droppings. Well, the scientific term is much prettier: it’s called scat.

Giant pandas have exceptionally thick and heavy bones for their size, but are also very agile and love to do somersaults.

Almost all pandas, including those born at the San Diego Zoo, belong to China.

Like other bear species, giant pandas are curious and playful, especially when they are young. In zoos, they like to play with enrichment items such as piles of ice or sawdust, bamboo puzzles with food inside, and various scents such as spices.

Sometimes a female may be pregnant with two young, but give birth to only one: her body will receive the second embryo again.

Weighing only 3 to 5 ounces (85 to 142 grams), a newborn panda is about 800 times smaller than its mother.In comparison, the average human baby is about 18 times smaller than its mother.

scientists have identified 12 distinctive panda sounds.

Pandas can tear bamboo poles that don’t fit in the shredder because they break the blades. Pandas simply peel off the tough outer bark with their teeth to get at the juicy part.

  • Giant pandas are black and white

And popular all over the world.The giant panda is a national treasure of China and is therefore protected by law in its bamboo forest. This unique bear has long been revered and can be found in Chinese art dating back thousands of years. The Chinese call their beloved pandas big cat bears.

Giant pandas have also fascinated people living outside of China; The French missionary Pere Armand David was the first to scientifically describe it in 1869. Today, more than 100 years later, the world’s love for pandas is linked to international conservation efforts.

  • Where does the panda get its colors from?

We’re not entirely sure. One theory is that pandas evolved contrasting black and white colors over time so they could stand out and mate in the forest. Another idea is that large blocks of contrasting color can be used to camouflage pandas in bamboo or treetops.

Anyone who has tried to spot one of our baby pandas dozing in a tree will see how difficult it is!Scientists have yet to confirm the true purpose of the panda’s coloring. Each panda has slightly different markings than other pandas. There is also a rare brown and white giant panda.

  • Are Giant Pandas Bears?

Scientists have debated for years whether pandas are some kind of bear, a raccoon, or something else.By examining the genetic code (DNA) of panda cells, scientists have confirmed the relationship between pandas and bears.

Giant pandas are similar to other bears in their general appearance, running and climbing habits, cranial features, and most importantly, their social system and reproductive biology. It’s important to know that pandas are bears because the more we know about pandas, the better we can help them breed and survive.

Pandas are probably the loudest bears. One of the panda’s most distinctive sounds is bleating.It’s like the sound a lamb or kid makes, and it’s a friendly sound, a greeting. Pandas don’t roar like a brown bear’s roar. Other sounds include honking, snorting, barking, and growling. Young puppies are known to caw and squeak.

. Pandas also communicate in other ways.

Both male and female pandas have a scent gland under their short tail that secretes a waxy substance used to leave scent trails. The scent of pandas knows trees, rocks, bamboo and shrubs. The smell is strong enough.

The human nose can detect a stinky, waxy smell from about 30cm away, but pandas are more sensitive to smells, so for them it’s even stronger! We found that a scented tree or rock could act as a community bulletin board, letting local pandas know which

other pandas were there and how long ago they left their scent trail.Another panda can recognize the gender, age, reproductive status, social status, and even the individual identity of the scent originator and how long the scent lasts there.

Male pandas often “stand on their hands” to leave scent trails. A handstand gets the panda’s back higher up the tree, so the scent trail is higher too. Pandas seem more interested in higher scent marks; The panda with the highest smell is, of course, the largest – or at least the largest – panda.

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