
Recommended fruits and vegetables for cats.

Although cats are carnivorous animals, they can occasionally eat a certain amount of fruits and vegetables, but you must give them very carefully and not try to experiment too much with their food because some fruits and vegetables are very harmful to cats. , such as grapes, cabbage, turnips, or bananas, for example.

If you want to incorporate homemade food into your cat’s diet, see our article “How to feed your cat naturally”. Remember that you will always have to respect your nutritional needs, and therefore favor animal proteins and limit fat. Read this article to find out which fruits and vegetables are recommended for cats and which foods cats love, with a video at the end of the article on cat fruits to incorporate into homemade cat food!

  • What fruits and vegetables are recommended for a cat?

Recommended fruits and vegetables for cats are:

  • Carrot
  • Zucchini
  • Peas
  • Pumpkin
  • Squash
  • Pumpkin
  • Cucumber
  • Lettuce
  • Strawberries
  • blueberries
  • Melon
  • Watermelon
  • Apple
  • Sin
  • Pear
  • What does a cat eat? – Recommended vegetables for cats

What can you feed a cat? As said in the introduction, in addition to meat, we can give vegetables to a cat but these must be administered in moderation and always boiled (never raw) to avoid any infection in the cat and facilitate its digestion. In addition, they should not exceed 15% of the cat’s total diet.

  • Vegetables suitable for moderate consumption and recommended for cats are:

  • Carrot: boiled carrot for cats is easily digestible and provides fiber and vitamins.
  • Zucchini: is zucchini toxic? Zucchini for cats is ideal especially when you want to diet it, or when your cat is constipated.
  • Green peas and beans: boiled peas for cats are rich in vegetable protein and magnesium.
  • Broccoli: Broccoli is a staple on the list of vegetables for cats. Rich in vitamins, folic acid, and fiber, broccoli is another fitting addition to the feline menu. We advise you to wash it well and steam it.
  • Pumpkin, Squash, or Pumpkin: Boiled pumpkin, squash, or squash are highly digestible for the cat and ideal for mixing with meat. Squash is the perfect vegetable for constipated cats. Be careful, cabbage and turnip are prohibited and toxic foods for cats.
  • Cucumber: whether raw or boiled, cucumber for cats is a very good vegetable moisturizer. Raw cucumber can be used as a cat treat.
  • Sweet potatoes: these are tubers that can be added to the cat’s diet, mixed with meat or fish. Potatoes can also be offered, but they contain solanine and should therefore always be cooked beforehand.
  • Lettuce, salad: whether raw or boiled, cat salad provides fiber, and water and is fat-free.

Be careful, and do not forget that certain vegetables and legumes are part of foods prohibited for cats or even toxic for cats, such as beets, spinach, lentils, leeks, onions, and garlic.

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